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Long Live Clothes

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Comfort refreshes clothes with a boost of fragrance, smoothing away every day wear. It treats cares for and revivies them, so they look new for longer! It even renews fibres helping to repair damage giving your clothes an even longer lifecycle. Clothes never looked good for so long!

No matter who we are, we all love clothes. When we put them on they show off our unique personalities. The clothes we choose can help us fit in, or make us stand out!

It is our pride in that perfectly -tailored suit or those jeans that hugs you just right places; or simply cozying up in pajamas. Loving ones clothes means caring for them, and caring for clothes and the people that wear them is our Comfort DNA.

Comfort tangibly improves clothes by refreshing, reviving and renewing them! Long Live Clothes!

Contact Unilever about Comfort

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